
By Lenore

Game viewing

Wow, wow, wow.  We saw a leopard. A leopard, no-one ever sees a leopard.  And it just kind of slinked around a bit back into the bush from the side of the road.   

There are leopard on the farm at Dornoch and my father in law has seen one once, in 26 years.  

We spent the morning out on a game drive, stopping for breakfast at Nyamandhlovu pan and watching the zebra, wildebeest and impala come for their early morning drink.  Brave, given the number of crocodiles we could see in the pan.  We then spent a few lovely hours driving around looking at birds (I find this less lovely, they’ve never done it for me), and seeing a nice array of game.  But no elephant.  We did see giraffe though, who stayed beautifully still for the camera but I had a weird filter on, so the picture isn't great.  
My husband, the geek, went out again this afternoon bird-watching, coming back, he could hardly contain himself about having seen a second leopard in the same day. Very, very lucky. 

This evening, the elephant jinx was lifted.  We pulled up at Safari Lodge for dinner to see 23 elephant at the pan in front of the lodge.  Pretty amazing.  Then they were joined by another 10 – 15, hurrying along to get to the pan.  Just stunning to see them. If it hadn’t been for the increasing dark of the night and also increasing number of mosquito’s, I could have watched them for hours. 

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