Twice in a week

Today's picture is a bit of a snap, taken after nap time when the youngest was put into a chair whilst the eldest was hoiked out of his cot.  The eldest climbed onto the chair for some brotherly love, which was very sweet.  

The eldest has been feeling a little bit sorry for himself for most of the day.  After another parenting fail, when we turned up to Monday playgroup to find I'd forgotten it wasn't on due to 'training' (the irony is the council are stopping the funding in 2 months, so we'll need to find somewhere else to go on a Monday).  Anyway, after some tears, we headed off to the library for entertainment - as we were about to leave, the boy tripped over and fell flat on his face (hands in pockets, nothing to stop his fall). LOTS of tears, a hug and then the appearance of lots of blood, for the second time in a week he'd split his lip with his teeth.  Poor love, all better now, aside from a bruised, swollen lip and a picture that doesn't show his face, that wouldn't be fair. 

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