
By Artminx


Our coffee making routines are pretty set in place now, whoever's house we wake up in it is their job to make the coffee. For this very reason I LOVE waking up at Fenner's, firstly because he makes a great coffee and secondly because I get to stay in bed, obviously. Sadly we have no rules around breakfast. F used to make a fab omelette, in fact it was omelettes that made me actually like the blooming things. 

It is more of a case of whether we actually have any food in rather than roles, though I am certainly more comfortable in the kitchen. This morning a made a small omelette with bacon, tomatoes and some cheddar added, no complaints from either of us as we tucked in, you see we have rules for eating. Often halves but more often it's one for me, two for him. 

Unless its cake. 

Then there are NO shares!


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