
By CharlotteJ

nemo (not very original name!)

Yes we have a Nemo at the office!  In fact we have a stable marine tank with wonderful fish and coral.  I have blipped Nemo before but I am pretty sure this cant be the same Nemo, he seems darker....and have we really had the same Nemo for over 7yrs??  Ummmm..... wondered if Nemo has been replaced at some point and no one wanted to tell me!!

A good last full (07:30 to now) in the office.  I am still snotty but feel so much better.  I am now working from home until, well, Oz.

I have decided, seeing as my anxiety levels have increased every so slightly, to just take each day this week as it comes and not worry about next week and the next few months!  Lots to do and if I start worrying I wont get anything done!!

Note: not the sharpest image....I didn't realise I was in P mode and that the ISO was way up there!

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