
By CharlotteJ


Daddy update:  Hes alright!  He is at home, he bartered with the doctor to allow him home – bless him!!  They ran some tests and it would appear that one of his heart pills is causing a bit of a problem for the old ticker so he has got to pop to his GP this week to reduce the amount he needs.  Interestingly it’s not been 24hrs from not taking the tablet and he is already brighter and managed to stay awake after lunch today.  He’s says he feels a lot better and not so tired!  He enjoyed his tomato and basil soup for lunch and enjoy the bit of fruit cake even more!!  I left Mum with a chicken and ham pie that I picked up from the butcher this morning so that she doesn’t have to fret about dinner tonight – I think they will both enjoy that.  Told them both that they must be in bed for 10pm tonight and get some rest!!  Lol

Tess update: Tess has been scanned, prodded and poked by the vets today and had lots of tests done.  All appear to be fine, although her temperature is still on the high side.  So they have allowed her home with carious drugs to fight whatever infection she has and to bring her temperature down.  I have to take her back on Friday for a check up.

Thank you for all your concern yesterday, it does mean so very much.

Sun set tonight taken, in manual, from my top floor window looking out to the hills….I need to fiddle more with settings….I have somehow managed to cram in work today as well – thank goodness for modern technology, however, I am slightly exhausted now as I didn’t sleep too well last night and have a feeling I’m coming down (again) with something so going to dose up with the good stuff!!

Dramas for this week hopefully diverted!

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