Beach day

This morning we took a walk along the beach with the dogs. Mainly because it’s getting more difficult to walk anywhere due to the caterpillars. We’ve seen them all around. Nasty creatures. So walked on the beach and realized we do enjoy a brunch on the beach. Drove to a grocery store and picked up some salads and stuff and drove back to beach. Used a doggy blanket from the car as a picnic blanket and enjoys a lovely warm midday on the beach. Dogs got all the left overs.

The beach looks exactly like the one we were in Faro yesterday. Same kind of sand. Same kind of waves. Same ocean. Same sun. And we’re only 100 km east. :-)

Here’s some very small mosquitoes that bite us. We’re scratching ourselves  silly! I hope they don’t follow us to Coin.

The hotel internet connection is still broken. My husband’s prepaid doesn’t allow to share it. So I may be able to upload this or not. But I’m doing the write-up on Thursday.

Oh, big news! There’s another guest in the hotel! I haven’t seen the person/s, but they put him right above us when there’s so much room to choose from. So now we hear every toilet flush and other noise. And if the dogs bark at something it will be heard there too.

I hope we don’t get a night like last night. Amadeus had some tummy issues and kept us up from 00:30 to 5 am. We took him out multiple times. At some point I was so tired I put him on his leash and lifted him above the balcony fence. Let him eat the grass and I stood there holding the leash. Picked him up the same way. Nelson got jealous that Amadeus was in the yard eating grass, so he expressed his opinion. And that’s how the night continued. I think all of them were out at some point, because that way we got some extra hours of sleep this morning. When there’s multiple dogs there always seems to be some issue with one of them.

I think I’ve told that we’re in the nation’s strawberry county. We’ve bought very local strawberries from the stores. And boy do they taste good. 1 kg of strawberries is bit under 3€. That’s a very good price and to eat fresh local strawberries in the early February is just luxury. All the fruit we’ve bought are fresh and mostly domestic. When fruit travel to Finnish stores, they are picked raw and sent away. I think they let them get ripe on their way or in the harbor. Guess what the taste is like for that? And the price is double. It’s not a fair world is it.

Tomorrow we head to Coin back to Costa del Sol, but to the mountains. We’ll be staying at a farm where’s other animals and dogs. I’m not worried about Amadeus or Nelson, they are kind and get along with everybody. I’m worried about Buddha and hope he doesn’t make our stay miserable. He gets so scared and other dogs read that as hostility and that’s where the chemistry gets all wrong. I have no idea what kind of accommodation we’ll have, but it will be so nice to be able to make food again. Living on store bought doesn’t go a long way. It’s winter here so basically everything is closed. The signs say they will open on March. Something is naturally open for the locals, but we don’t know where to start looking. Yes, having a serious case of first world problems. :-)

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