
... on the train to ballet. 

MAD MAD MAD MAD day today. But TheGirl has loved it. Started the day with a bit of reading, she finished a book from school. She did some dancing, clarinet and piano. We cycled to school. I picked her up and she declared that she'd had "an AWESOME day". For today they had a flamenco dance lesson and she'd loved it. She was very chuffed that the teacher told her she was doing great and used her for all the examples of how to do it. She said she danced with Shaun. She then said that she really likes playing with Shaun and when their friends aren't listening "we say we're girlfriend and boyfriend. He asked me to marry him, Mummy. I told him I would have to think about it. Later I went back and told him 'I guess that would be ok then'. Because he makes me laugh, Mummy". She then went on to plan her wedding. The family will sit on one side and good friends on the other. In a really big church. That Mummy will walk her to the front and Grandad will help the little bridesmaids.  And Edie, Edana, Ava and Lydi will be her grown up bridesmaids. Plus she'll have some little ones but she'll have to wait and see because to be a little bridesmaid it will have to be someone "with a single digit age". Then they'll have a really big party afterwards and anyone who's their friends can come that didn't fit into the church. All as we walked to dance class from the train. 

Walking to dance class from the train came after cycling to swimming, a swimming lesson and a trip to Costa for tea, then a reading break as we waited for the train/on the train. 

Her and her buddy worked really hard on their duet again tonight before showing it to the teachers and the senior class. At which point the teacher changed quite a bit of it and both girls were too tired to work out what the heck was going on as it was wayyyy past bedtime by that point! But they'll get it at Friday's practise. With 10 days to go before competition day.... Arghhh..... 

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