B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

Fourth (+1) Celebration

Another GREAT day spent with my kiddos... we took off early in search of a beach chair/cart in Augusta. No luck in finding it, I did find a new hat for Sally the Scarecrow at Goodwill for $1 - that was exciting!

Tonight's weather was satisfactory for lighting explosives - Mom, Dad, Sandy and Mike came out around 9:00 and we did some sparkler art and then set off the fireworks.

It was an amazing experience - literally up close and personal. We actually moved back a bit to enjoy the full effect. I joked that Mom and Sandy were dressed like it was 40* outside... they clearly were the smarter females in the bunch. The mosquitos had their own Independence day feast on the tops of my feet. Exposed flesh (mind you - I wore flipf-lops) has bites.... oh my, they don't itch now - I believe that'll be short lived... stay tuned for more information.

Special thanks to Dad for purchasing and illuminating the sky for our visual pleasure.... they were beautiful and so much more memorable because of the effort you put forth. You are The Man! I love you!

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