Crossing the Tyne

So here we are crossing the Tyne again, as we make our way back from Northumberland to Cumbria. Of course we did not need to come this way!!

We got sorted at the house early, packed the car and made it down to Newcastle in time to catch another talk on the Vikings by Max Adams. I cannot say enough about this guy as one of the very best speakers I have ever come across. His depth of knowledge and the way he can put things over to an adult audience is amazing. 
For example:  I have always been interested in the Vikings as people and their impact on Britain over the years. Until today, I was not the least bit interested in how they built their boats, what seas they sailed or how they navigated. After two hours this morning I now think I could probably set to and choose the wood, have a go at clinker-building the sides of a longship, make it water tight, choose a sea to cross at the right time of year and navigate using the moon and the colour of the water. Whether I would make a good Viking is another matter entirely!
Such is the calibre of this guy. If you ever have a chance to hear him talk, about anything - jump at it!

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