twinned with trumpton


Awake at 7; no systems so no OT; a leisurely hour until 8 when I realised it was dry enough to get out on the bike; porridge and lycra (in that order) and out. Chummed her from school to work; then a meandering 25 miles taking in Loanhead for Cigs and then a frantic dash back across town with a tail-ish wind.
School run and - blammo. On the way from my school pick up to hers, the CV joint disintegrates... So abandoning the car on a double yellow; high tail it school (ten mins walk), then back to the car; no ticket; called the breakdown people as we went.
Then she came and fetched G for drama etc whilst I stayed with the car for the best part of 3 hours (garage across the road had M&S stuff so lunch for the boys was fine if costly) before we eventually got towed to my local garage. Walked home in a downpour (thankfully it's less than 5 minutes away) and in for bbq pulled beef wraps and the left over sponge pudding.

Everyone id tired after the long week / long day, and two down, only me to fall asleep and that will beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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