An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


Phew, made it.  Finally uploaded today's blip.

Yesterday didn't end quite as I thought it would.  

Long story short, pain in the muscles of the top of my left leg have been getting worse over the last few months and by last night I was in agony.  Took almost 45 minute to get upstairs and I was in tears by the time I got there.   Hardly slept a wink as couldn't get comfortable until I eventually took two co-codomol, they don't take the pain away but they knocked me out.  Slept till almost midday!

Managed to get showed and dressed and downstairs by 4.30pm.  Sat on the chair in the hall and took photos of my tulips.  The only five minutes of the day when I've not been feeling very grumpy.

The rest of the day has been spent with my feet up trying to rest in the hope that by tomorrow the pain will have gone (it's weird as it comes and goes and I have no idea what it is that I do that aggravates it or make it better.  It's totally random.)   I will be heading upstairs to bed shortly so fingers crossed I won't have the same experience as last night.

Of course it had to happen this weekend when I've got lots on that I'm really looking forward to.  Supposed to be going to the lovely Elf's for lunch tomorrow but not sure I'll make it.  Will decide in the morning.

Phone call to physio first thing Monday morning.

The good news is I can enter today's shot in the Flower Friday challenge :)

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