An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Sporangia ii...

Sporangia i

I may not be able to grow many plants but by heavens I can grow pretty weeds!  ;-)))

Doorbell rang yesterday evening and it was Gill's (Alan's support worker) son  Mark to tell me Gill had taken ill during the day with terrible gastric flu.  Oh no!  Poor Gill :-(

Gill was supposed to be taking Alan to see Snow White on Ice this evening (it was her Christmas pressie to him) and they were both really looking forward to it.  Jo (one of the new support workers) was going too.  Thankfully David is able to go instead so at least Alan won't miss it but I feel so sad for Gill.  Fingers crossed she's feeling better very soon.

So, David, Alan and Jo are heading off shortly and I will have the house to myself for a few hours.  I am giddy at the thought.  So many things I could a film, read my book, a photography tutorial, catch up with emails......

Actually I may just sit in perfect silence and not do a single thing.  :-)))

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