Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Wind and Bacon

The effect of this, I thought, was rather like a corner of one of Francis Bacon's paintings of the Pope.  It wasn't meant to be, I just had DerelictSunday in mind.  However, the wind was so strong it almost tore the Nikon out of my hand, so after the first shot I let the camera move and didn't worry.

This is taken round the side of the Tanner Street multi-storey car park/ex-Post Office parcel depot, which has had to be closed because of some structural 'disease' in the concrete.  It is doubly derelict in that the City Council want to develop this whole area and had very ambitious plans.  However, I read yesterday in the paper that the whole scheme has been thrown out because of disagreements with the development company, thus, possibly, making the building triply derelict.  It's an interesting concept!

So that's me for today.  And my entry for DerelictSunday, DS16.  Many thanks to notowennewitt for hosting!  I think the sun is coming out tomorrow and we have a family lunch planned.  What fun and not derelict at all!

Have a good evening  xx

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