Feeling Far Away

Home seems very far away today - this is our house here, from the second gate we have to go through - but I'm meaning our Sutton Coldfield home - and all our family and friends, especially the Little One...

But ... just had a satisfying Face Time with him, and our youngest, with a glimpse of her friend and the son-in-law, sitting in our car in the rain in the main square here in Mora, where there is public internet (my internet allowance for today ran out last night after midnight).

Now in Mal-me-Quer snack-bar, as my computer battery also ran out... how dependent we are on all this technology...

Went a long drive today looking for a good supermarket - ended up in Ponte de Sôr, about 31km north of here - found a Lidl and another better one, Continental, where we got some wine glasses, amongst other necessities.

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