A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Raise the flag

I made it back to the square to end the week. One thing I wanted to take a picture of is the flag pole and today's flag. I have no idea who does this but the flag is changed every day. I almost didn't get the picture as this was the second in a two-park big outing as I wanted to make sure Albi was very tired. This afternoon Carl headed off to the States and so I knew we couldn't get out again for a big walk. Did the trick and she has been pretty chilled all day. Well until now and she seems to think we are under attack. I'm sure Carl would like to think this is her finely tuned senses aware of the lack of an alpha in the pack...

The norovirus seems to have left the house without infecting anyone else. Anna has had another quiet day and I think will be fully well tomorrow. To be frank she doesn't have a great deal of choice. The next few days are a bit precision timed and there isn't a great deal of slack in the system for trivialities like illness. I hope the germs are reading this and feeling kindly...

Jackson has had a really good day - quite lively, chatty and done some maths and reading. Not huge amounts but really good progress and his spirits are high.

Lesley x

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