A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Pine Fresh

When there has been any sort of sickness or germs in the house I become a little obsessive about cleanliness and just about everything I think may have come anyway near a germ gets put through the washing machine or gets sprayed with some form of extreme chemical warfare.

Albi clearly got the memo when we went to the park as she sniffed out this mound for a bit of a scratch and a dive. Turns out it is shredded Christmas trees so she gets some bonus pine freshness too.

Horrible horrible tank trip mainly as the traffic was so bad we took an 1.5hr to travel 19 miles. And the tank was filled to max. But in brilliant testament to J and the progress he is making he coped with it all incredibly well.

And...the big news of the day is that this evening he made it to a friend's birthday party. Only for an hour but it is pretty huge that he could, that he wanted to and that he managed it after a very difficult day. He was very sensible about not wanting to try for longer. And it makes us all smile.

Anna is better in than she has not been sick again (hurrah) and says her tummy feels like it has done a lot sit-ups. Still only plain food and not done much but another rest day and I think she'll be there.

And after all that, a fire, a curry and a glass of wine. Or two.

Lesley x

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