Mummy bird hatches eggs ....
At the garden centre ...
Tits McGee and I went to Wyvale to get some hardy perennials for her new tubs and whilst we were browsing we spotted several large signs asking people not to go buying these plants and not even to touch them as a bird was sitting on her eggs in one of the pots !!! So we did as we were bid and walked off to look at something and as we walked back around the back of this stand we saw two babies and the mum bird just sat watching us .. The photo is a bit crud as its my iPhone zoomed in so we did not scare them .. But if ever there was a chance that birds understood English they would now be asking themselves just HOW do Mermaids have sex and do they have blowholes ... Nigel Upton will smirk at this topic of conversation I am sure ;)
Year 6 lunch cover today and I have decided that boys are no where near as sly and childish as year 6 girls ... No wonder my Eve and flora have distanced themselves from most of the others....
Cake consumed ... Vanilla slice at garden centre.. 8/10 ...
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