Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Bad dog

Managed a bit of a lie in after a late night. Tobes had his first rugby tots session this morning. Mike offered to take him along with Eva and her iPad so I could go for a ride. He really enjoyed it despite being reluctant to go.

I met Cara down at the yard and we went round Bradgate park for a change. The ground was terrible- really boggy and churned up by the rangers 4x4 so we had to take it steady.

When I got back to the yard I got stung by a wasp that had somehow got down my top, (unsure how as I had about 5 layers on). But why on earth are there wasps about now?!

Got home for a late lunch then we took the dogs and kids up to Beacon hill and had a lovely walk before dinner. Nell also went for a swim in a muddy puddle.

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