Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Mobile home from home?

I got to pick up a camera just once today and I'm afraid this is the result.

Been rushing around all afternoon getting the final things for the boys for the imminent hols.
Got back and realised I haven't stopped for 5 hours and not had a drink for 6.

On balance, this probably is a fair blip for my normal day due to the amount of time I spend each day in here. Typically 2 hours a day (less than lots I know but still at least an hour more than I'd like).

Not quite sure how the pic came about. I was waiting for Jonathan to come out of school. I couldn't see where he would walk while I was sat in the car so I got out and sheltered under the tailgate and spent a few idle minutes fiddling. He still managed to walk past and got the bus before I could stop him despite telling him just as he left this morning. Memory like a sieve!

Ooh - along the way today I also got the shower fixed. The new part arrived in the post and went in without problems, especially the usual problem of water spewing forth from every possible but inappropriate place. We can all go to work/school nice and clean tomorrow. That will be a treat for everyone!

A days training is planned for tomorrow. Should be an easy day for a change.

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