A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A slower pace

The last three days have been long and run at a precision timed pace which has been slightly alarming. Today saw the return of my parent in crime and the easing of the pace by quite some way. Possibly slightly too much and too soon but I didn't get a great sleep so it was kind of necessary and certainly very welcome. So after the school run there was a fun park trip meeting a friend and her pooch and many other pooches. Followed by a coffee stop at this place by the river which is run by two friends who, in the weird villagey London way my friend and I knew each of them separately before they embarked on this venture together.

Home for a quick bite, tick a couple of work things off my countdown list and head off for a manicure and a pedicure. I'm not always organised enough, or have enough slack in the system, for such pre-holiday indulgences. It felt like such a treat. Quick trip into town to collect my wedding and engagement rings that needed cleaning and polishing and now look like we got married yesterday, rather than showing what they have really been through over the last 16/17 years.

In the meantime Carlos returned from his travels and took Jackson to the final tank trip (31) before the holiday.

An evening of a bit of helping Anna pack as she has no time tomorrow. But mainly everyone fussing over the mutt in a way that might make her suspect something is up were it not for being blinded by her love of attention.

Tonight I need a good sleep and tomorrow needs to be a day of action.

Lesley x

EDIT: so the email reminding me of the milestone came in the middle of the mad bit of the week and obviously didn't register properly....still could have been a worse blip and I'm sure it counts for another reason for a pedicure. And I'm not sure the pressure of a celebration blip would have helped me today. And of course the main reason this is the perfect celebration blip is that blip is a snapshot of a bit of an everyday day. Certainly for me and certainly on by far away the majority of days. But I will take the chance to say hi and thank you for everyone who stops by, everyone who comments and everyone who just contributes to making blip a real actual thing.

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