A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


I accept that behind the sofa is not the most creative of hiding places but it is made especially rubbish hiding place when the dog stands over you barking.

And after I took her for a long walk in the sort of snow. Ingrate.

After a front loaded day of outings - dog walk and then a very entertaining coffee with a friend there has been a lot of staying inside keeping warm.

Half-term at music school so no activities for Anna, though she has quite impressively decided she is going to do all her holiday homework this weekend so she doesn't have it hanging over her the rest of the week. Some more Pretty Little Liars in our slow and steady approach to catching up on 7 seasons and this evening the quite hilarious film Best in Show.

And further attempts to read The Fellowship of the Ring. It is not my natural territory but I think I am starting to get into it. Can't remember if I said but I am doing a Coursera course on narrative in video games and we are going to be comparing story-telling in Lord of The Rings the book, the film and the online game.

Lesley x

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