Out of the Blue

It seems that I have a cold. For a Lady who boasts she does not 'do' colds, this has come as a sad shock and is a blow in more ways than one to my hitherto virus impregnability.

With no sore throat precursor it has caught me by surprise and has taken me a while to confess to His Lordship, a man of great susceptibility to all things viral.
It is probable that even if no little viruses escape into the atmosphere behind the door, the power of suggestion will ensure a man cold erupts in the Dower House in the near future.
With St Valentine's Day at the weekend, I wager even a peck on the cheek from the man in my life will be off limits.

Meanwhile, with a luncheon get together today  at a neighbours' house in celebration of their 5 years of Quartermile living, I will desist from air kissing any of the invitees, keeping my distance while sniffing  quietly into my wine glass.

There is no connection between my blip and my blog, none whatsoever. It is simply the only image I took today. Make of it what you will.

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