Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Back in Norway :-)

We arrived back home yesterday...after a lovely holiday in Italy. I will start back blipping here soon :-)

It was good to get home...despite the pouring down rain :-) But it was a long day. We had to leave our BB in Pisa at 5am and got home about 12:30 - that wasn't bad but then I had to drive 2 hours up into the mountains to pick up Diesel. We weren't all home until after 7. Still, all went smoothly and nice to see Diesel and have us all at home again :-)

We had a great time in Italy. So nice to spend time with Mom and Dad in Lucca....and Italy is lovely! The last few days the boys and I spent at the beach and in :-) I will go back and talk more about it all as I back blip.

This photo is from up in the mountains near Eggedal. It is beautiful up there. It has been raining, almost nonstop - and thus VERY green. Gorgeous up there. I think I am going to have to take my camera and go for a long drive some time these next few weeks.

Im looking forward to having some weeks of holiday here - hiking, photography, painting my floors, reading...just taking it slooow ----nice!

I hope you are all having lovely summer days!

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