Lisa's life...

By lisa24270

Another Day, Another Barn

What a dreary day it's been outdoors.

Stella & I did grab a few local geocaches but it really wasn't big camera weather today in the rain.

Spotted this barn near one location in the Fen and it slightly put me in mind of Thursday's blip though the actual geocache was in nothing like an area of outstanding natural beauty! Rubbish everywhere and not nice though the cache owner had been very creative and humorous with his placement so all was forgiven.

This afternoon I've been re-arranging the spare room to accommodate the treadmill as currently that is where I have a wall being knocked down this week. I've been doing so well with outdoor steps though that I haven't had to use it yet this week :) 

I'm even doing a proper dinner that will probably last me 3 meals...I found a turkey thigh joint which is joined by Spring Greens and mash of potato, swede, and a tiny bit of carrot. 

It's no secret I hate carrot but the lack of them in my diet was obvious the other night as I was trying to stumble around in the pitch black while my carrot-loving companion was bragging about how amazingly quickly your eyes adjust to the lack of light. Speak for yourself sunshine! 

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