
By Grimsayer

Another fine barp you got me onto

A gentle start to the day after a relatively late night last night at the Westford Inn sampling their ales and gins.
Tricia's turn to visit her spinning coven sorry group on South Uist and so two of the three Uist Summer Wine took the opportunity to go awandering there. 
Original proposed plans to go up to the snowline on Bheinn Mhor were abandoned when it was observed the snowline has risen considerably overnight (i.e more hill to climb) and was now well above the low cloud line (i..e. no view) and the weather was pretty changeable.
An archaeological amble replaced the putative plans and off we set to the bharp NW of Lochboisdale. A bharp is the local word for a Neolithic (i.e. v. old) chambered cairn, which, curiously, is a cairn (pile of stones) containing a chamber (probably for storing bones of ancestors).
This particular one is probably the best of its kind on the isles now - 6m high and over 25m in diameter with some pretty impressive monoliths in the structure although sadly the chamber has either collapsed or been robbed for later structures.
Back then to watch some recorded rugby before preparing some lessons for the week. Working again...

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