A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Tough choices

Some days there is quite a choice for a blip. But as I feel like I pretty much promised you a palm tree here it kind of is. At the entrance to the hotel's section of 7 mile beach*. A completely mixed day of all sorts of emotions. In the interests of brevity and sanity I'll capture some of the highlights:
- morning beach walk
- playing Exploding Kittens (thanks again to the SooB clan for providing our gaming entertainment)
- sitting on the balcony
- dinner on the beach

And we managed most of the things on the sign.

I wasn't being deliberately obtuse yesterday; I was just exhausted. We are spending the week in Grand Cayman. So far it is hot, sunny and gorgeously tropical.

Lesley x

*trades description issue as apparently it is only 6.3miles.

Among other things I want to remember...

Story cube game with poisonous insect hanana. And I packed my suitcase and in it I put:
1 pair of flip flops
10 swimming costumes
1 plastic lobster
1 mermaid fin
A partridge in a pear tree
An ornamental elephant
14 books
A beach

I may have missed a couple and I may be being tested on this in the morning...

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