a lifetime burning

By Sheol


The hotel WiFi is pretty flakey in our room, which is a shame, as it is otherwise very nice, but that has delayed my being able to upload this blip until this morning.  We've arrived in Cordoba in Andulacia, in the middle of some amazingly strong winds.  

The BBC Weather App suggests winds of 10 knots, but they are at least 4 times as strong as that.  There are palm trees uprooted, and everywhere there are oranges and the smaller branches of trees.  As you walk past you get the wonderful smell of fresh orange - which would be delightful if it was not for the damage the wind is otherwise doing.

I did manage to get my 3 hours sleep after the gig and before the flight, and I think I might have managed another 30 mins on the plane.  The Spanish train system turns out to be an absolute delight to travel on (it makes the struggle with the Renfe web site worthwhile).  

Cordoba is as interesting as the guide books suggest.  My extra is of the Roman bridge at night - another for my bridges project.  

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