
By schlimm

Fooling around with mirrors

While S was brushing her teeth I tried to capture both of us in the little mirror in the bathroom. I only managed to get her and out of focus.

I still like the result.

I'm wearing a woolly jumper and am just warm enough (this is July!!!) but when we are on holiday I'm told it will be about 10degrees warmer than here. I keep reminding myself because I need to make sure to pack more summery things than what I'm wearing just now.

The countdown is now down to one week. Surely I will survive for another week. I've got a sore head today but then I've just fought with chemicals for about an hour. (This may also be the aftermath of yesterday's intensive worrying). My dad is out of intensive care (I think) and gradually getting better (I hope). Tomorrow may well be the day he feels worse but I hope that passes quickly too.

Work? Well, how many workmen can work in the same building on different projects at once? Many!!!

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