Saint Valentine's Day Massacre

Angie, Sultan and Flash with Luna out of shot, taking their morning constitutional. Flash went well. I don't think the weather is warm enough to warrant anti-fly measures for Sultan but apparently it's standard on a Spanish style bridle. 

Spent all day trying to clear up in the garden. Seemed to be very busy and felt I had managed quite a bit but suspect it's about 1% of what needs to be done.

In the evening, Angie did her workout course coming home about 20:00 and saying "Have you put the geese to bed?" Damn no, had everything prepared but had taken a long (+1 hour) time with a beauty session in the bath and had only just got down. Marched out and realised straight away something wasn't right. Found two corpses on the field, one simply dead with no sign of blood/damage, the other one with the entire head and neck gone.

I won't repeat my words or thoughts. Entirely my own fault as I had removed part of the fencing last week to get at the last bale of haylage for the horses and hadn't replaced it. Kick myself for not trying even harder to train them to go indoors at dusk where they would be safe thanks to the automatic door. There was always one who didn't want to go in and always managed to convince the other 4 to come back outdoors. Added to all that, why did I forget?

Yes it's nature, part of the package but it still hurts especially two having to die when one would have been "acceptable". The two were both "grey house" geese and I fear the two ladies, which means we have a male and female chinese goose and one male grey. No idea at the moment what we will do. There are about 9 eggs laid but doubt the one one girl will want to brood.

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