My little pony

We went off bright and early this morning to meet Grandma. She had left some bits here from the weekend so we went to take them back. We met at morrisons and did a bit of shopping before having a quick coffee in the cafe. A is full of cold and was being very whiney and clingy. Dropping his gingerbread man on the floor was the end of the world. Grandma said "I've never seen him like this before" "oh you've seen nothing yet!" I replied!

We said our goodbyes to grandma and went to my sister in laws house. A cheered up when he got his hands on the toy cars. The girls went upstairs to play and we didn't see much of them at all. They came down for lunch, face painting and when E had eaten an entire lip balm!! I'm surprised she didn't get tummy ache. She insisted it tasted good though.

A fell asleep on my lap and we sat cuddling for nearly an hour whilst R and I chatted. He never usually sleeps on me so he must've really needed it and I enjoyed the cuddles no matter how much I needed too pee!

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