Day one of the holdays.

Quite a lovely start to the half term. We somehow managed to stay in bed till 7:30, long breakfast and still out the door by 9:10. Headed to see my godmother. Had a interesting conversation with Munchie about death in the way. Why do people go to heaven?, does everyone go to heaven?, what's heaven like?.... Was quite relieved to get to the parts of the journey where I had to concentrate as it meant the conversation had to end. Forgot how different driving around 'home' is to driving round here. You really do need your wits About you.

Lovely to see auntie dot. The children loved seeing her too. Home to grandmas for lunch and then on to the Park for a walk. Park was heaving. Wom loved his icecream and the ducks lots.

Lee and I have then had a fabulous time at the spa this evening, so lovely to spend some time together.

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