Morning moans..... Ooooo, ouch, groan .... everything hurts.
Is this good for you?
Can't I just stay in bed?

However once up on the slopes. I had another good day skiing and managed the whole 2 hours. There are 2 other ladies who were feeling like me and we really encourage each other and check regularly on how we are doing. After lunch in the snow The Rev persuaded me I could do the long blue run to the took 20 minutes in total which was a long time to be on the go. The rev feel twice....I sat down once!!!! We did stop halfway at the mountain pub to drink, read and snooze !@!?! We were exhausted by the end and headed back to our hotel. Strangely now I only ache a little bit and can walk up and down stairs a step at a time!
We are now enjoying a slap up meal in a Dorfstubn...a lovely restaurant. Hoping the legs hold out on the walk up hill!!

scrabble score 2:0 to me although only 1 point in it for 1 games
Toss up 1:1

46/366.....a chance to realise the benefit of supportive strangers.

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