Snowy Slovenia

I forgot to mention in my blip yesterday that we are skiing in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. It's the first time that the kids have skied and it may as well be for me, as I'm rubbish. I last skied 15 years ago as a chaperone on a school trip in France and then once in New Zealand before that. My hubby is a great skier even though he hasn't done that much either, but I am just so scared off falling and getting injured as I seem to be getting clumsier with age!
The kids had another two hour lesson this morning while I was talked in to going on a chair lift with friends. I regretted my decision as soon as I saw the height we had climbed and the steepness of the descent. I took my time and Hubby was very patient and supportive of me and didn't leave me on my own. My thighs were absolutely burning which surprised me as I consider myself above average fitness!

The skiing was different today as it snowed heavily through the night and most of the day, but it made the area look beautiful.

We met up with the kids after their lesson and were suitable impressed with their progress. They've now mastered the drag lifts on their own and Olivia is desperate to go on a chairlift so she can go higher up the mountain! That'll have to be hubby's job as I'm not sure I want to go back up!

After lunch we did some skiing with the kids and I am now officially the slowest skier in the family. Olivia decided that she didn't want to do a basic snow plough to stop but instead worked on perfecting a side stop where you spray up the snow. She nailed it. She'd been watching Daddy!

Back home for some down time and play time (we're staying with friends who have a daughter the same age as Olivia), before heading out early for another huge Slovenian meal (the portions are huge here and so cheap!).

Due to all the fresh air and exercise its been so easy getting the kids down to sleep at night (the three of them are in the same bedroom) and they're asleep within minutes of getting into bed. To be honest the adults aren't that far behind!

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