Late Have I Loved You

Late have I loved you, Beauty so ancient and so new,
late have I loved you!
Lo, you were within,
but I outside, seeking there for you...

- from Augustine's Confessions

Not exactly a poem, but full of sensuous longings for his God... makes my own love feel quite plodding...

The Alentejo is scattered with ruined houses and we're still trying to figure out why. Another shepherd called to us from over the fence and gave us the bunch of wild asparagus he'd gathered. I understood enough to make a delicious omelette with them, but not enough to capture his explanation for all the ruins - something to do with sheep...

And he certainly won a part of my heart with his generosity to a stranger on his land.

(In other countries, my son got back safely from India, to England today, and just wonderful to see a photo of him with his smiling nephew... the wonders of technology.)

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