Greetings from Ganavan

Having a day at home today continuing to sort out the junk from the crap! Going through a box of leaflets garnered from hundreds of attractions visited over countless years - seems such a shame to ditch them, but who wants a guide to the town of Freiburg in 197-something or guides to Sark and Jersey or even a lovely leaflet entitled 'Power in the Glens'? Who would like a load of magazines from c1913 - The Nature Book of Pen and Camera in the Open Air'?

I did find a wadge of post cards, mostly of Scotland, but also Northumberland, Cornwall and various other places. I suppose I might find a collector of old postcards, but it's the time to do it! Here are a couple of more local ones, particularly the one of Ganavan Sands, Oban's local beach, before the new housing development. I see now that the council is thinking of renting out the toilets - now there's a unique opportunity!

I've been trying to get rid of stuff on 'Freecycle' but in spite of what we're told, I think everybody is too well off to want a second-hand three piece suite for nothing! The latest item to go on will be a 9 ft fibreglass dinghy, a trailer and a Seagull outboard. All needing attention, I admit, but free after all!

My extra today is just a few of the books going to charity - probably as many as that have already gone. We're taking a load to Glasgow when we go tomorrow, to save flooding Oban!

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