
By Mimthing

Who'd ave thought it?

Us going private?!?

Push came to shove just over a week ago.
Himself was due to have an operation at Scarborough hospital last Tuesday -9thFeb-
It was cancelled last minute due to "No Beds" . For some folk this wouldn't be too much of a crisis. Himself is a self employed sole trader... If he ain't working there's no money coming in, not only no money into the household ...no money to pay the business costs !
We thought short and hard about this, the chances of getting to hours before the next appointed time and being told "No beds" and the knock on effect of lost business and the possibilities of customers going elsewhere -if you want loyalty you have to give them a card ;-)
So we bit the bullet, consolidated everything and have 'gone private'
Worth every last bloody penny!

Odd what life throws at you... This time last year we thought his business was stuffed.
We've climbed out of that vat of tar only to have feathers thrown back at us.
Hey ho and off we go... It's only bits of paper ?

Must say it is most odd not being sighed at and the odd FFS thrown in!

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