Wherever next?

By aime

Bike in a box - or two #2

Yes Aileen, we did manage to get the tandem in to these two boxes. Shoes helmets and panniers also disappeared from view and suddenly we are ready to go. The bike will travel slowly by boat in Catriona's shipping allowance and hopefully will reappear in the UK (Grangemouth is the name of the Edinburgh Port it will ship to apparently...) in about three months time. By then we will have been in Australia, Vietnam Cambodia, Thailand and Dubai, and will be safely back in Scotland - with a little bit of luck and some help from Qantas and Emirates airlines. Today, however, it is off to Sydney. A little bit of drama at the airport when we discovered that we had been put on a flight which left an hour earlier than we had previously been told. No panic though, as this sort of thing is taken in the stride of experienced world travellers like us. It did mean that we had to eat our sushi on the plane rather than in the departure lounge and that the teary farewells were avoided. Result. 
PS Yesterday was Catriona's birthday, count the balloons if you want to know how old she is.

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