Wherever next?

By aime

Birthday Girl

A special treat for a special girl. We had spent the night in Tipis (sp?) in a forest near Raglan. Breakfast was on a large decking overlooking the Tasman sea whilst we watched surfers riding the huge rollers that pounded the beach. We had enough time, when we got home, to run en mass down to Kohi café for lunch - all part of Margie's plan to get in shape for a 5k run she has planned in June. A less vigorous walk back home after lunch then a quick tidy up and the start of packing for our trip to Australia tomorrow.
Our last evening meal together in New Zealand was also Catriona's "birthday meal" and she had chosen one of her favourite restaurants for the occasion. Cassia in situated in a back street alley and has an unprepossessing entrance. Inside, however,  you know you are somewhere special by the number of well heeled foodie types you rub shoulders with. The food is basically Indian but has been interpreted for our modern tastes and discerning palates... Unique and delish, though spicy and recognisable as Indian. We were only allowed two courses as C had her eyes on a special ice cream parlour where she planned we should have our desserts. We were joined by cousin Heather and her boyfriend Kirk who came along to say good bye to M and myself, and to share in the works of art "Heute" sold as ice cream. Each item is created specially for the customer and we were not allowed even to see the ice cream before we purchased - tasting was encouraged though, so we all sampled as many flavours as we felt decency allowed before deciding which we wanted. We all chose differently, had small though expensive tubs (except for the birthday girl who played her birthday joker card and went for a gi-normous chocolate covered cone) and all were more than satisfied.
Another busy but wonderful day. Time to rest tomorrow, perhaps.

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