Journal of a Jessica

By Wallflower


I couldn't think of anything to photograph for today, so here's yet another photo of me. I promise there will be no more self-portraits for some time after this one.

Courtney and me went to town today after school because there were a couple of things that I wanted, then we went to my house and watched Borat. I'm obsessed with that movie, Courtney and me could sit for hours and quote the whole thing. It's the funniest thing I've ever seen, and if you haven't watched it then I recommend you do so! My flu is improving, I'm feeling a lot better after my day in bed yesterday.

I'm coping in the house on my own so far-ish. I can't really keep up with the cleaning (not that I'm really trying) or feeding myself; I notice that the shorts I wore today were a little more roomy than normal, and that's only from not eating in a day or two. I made up for it today though, but that's just because I was out and about and bought my food instead of having to make it. I'm unbelievably lazy.

I'm really happy at the moment. There's only a week and a half left at school until the Summer holidays, I'm getting on with my family really well and I love my friends more than anything. I've realised that it's the smaller things in life that make everything worthwhile. I'm going to start my AS Levels again next year and try my hardest at everything, I know that at times life will be a challenge and I've accepted that - you just have to make the most of every single minute. I'm only young, I just need to stop worrying all the time (I'm the world's biggest worrier) - it's sometimes ridiculous. I have to say that it's mainly you people here on Blip that have helped me realise that, just know that I think you're all absolutely wonderful and I love you all. :-)

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