Journal of a Jessica

By Wallflower


I really need to get a life, but for now I'm content in my weird ways. This wall was previously my 'Beatles-only' wall, but I bought this Avengers poster and there is no room left at all on the other walls... I'm like a child or something.

My flu is bothering me today, I'm feeling very ill. I haven't been to school today, so Courtney came to my house and we watched Supernatural. I'm going to my Grandma's house to stay over tonight, I think she just wants to fill me up because she doesn't think I'm capable of feeding myself. Which is true, of course.

I need a fix 'cause I'm going down. - This is one of my favourite songs. Not just one of my favourite Beatles songs, but of all time. I absolutely love the messages that John gives us through some of his songs, this one included. Genius.

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