Low tide, Aikerness (Day 282)

What a beautiful day it has been. A frosty walk up the hill with the dogs in the bright sunshine was a real treat. Sunglasses were required for the drive through to Orphir for a job later in the morning. I fixed a burst pipe in a customer's garden with the sun shining on my back and not a breath of wind in the air.
My beautiful wife came home from her shift at work and we headed with the dogs to Aikerness beach for a stroll along the sand with the dogs.
Home for an earlyish dinner then a trip to town to see The Revenant at the cinema - an amazing film.
There was good news today from a good friend and also a rather surprising offer.
Dad is out of hospital, but not entirely out of the woods. Further tests will be required, but it does look like they are on the way to a diagnosis.
I would like more days like this please.

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