
By Artminx


Today I have had the pleasure of the company of ten children aged from seven to thirteen. During the school holidays I occasionally run art sessions and recently decided to offer the Arts Award programme.

So today was day one of a two day course for the Explore certificate and yet again I have come away amazed at what children can produce. It also makes me furious that this government is making it so that participation in and the study of the arts will only be viable for children from more affluent families. They fail to see the importance of art in unlocking creativity and providing valuable skills for later in life.

As a freelancer I have to charge for these sessions, though I am going to looking into grants so we can offer them to everyone not just those whose parents have a few extra quid in their pocket.

Anyway, today was wonderful. The children were wonderful and bright and enthusiastic and bursting with ideas. Tomorrow we will work on our main artworks and hold a mini exhibit. And maybe even have cake.


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