Desperately seeking

By clickychick


We were heading north this morning.. With no trains running from Edinburgh to Penrith #2 Daughter needed to be collected for a family get-together.

When we stopped at the Annandale Water Services I did my usual shots across the little lake. A bit different today as it was frozen, not a bird in sight. The Man always takes the other route around the end of the building.

When we met up he said "Get your big lens and come with me!" What could he have seen from his viewpoint that I missed?

We hurried to buildings and then he signalled for me to go gently. At that moment a runner with a dog appeared. The Man groaned! "Quick, look!" he said and there I saw the roe deer grazing. While I was looking through the viewfinder another appeared! Wow! Wild deer grazing at a motorway service station!

I still haven't recovered from the family saying they saw a kingfisher here when they came without me!

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