A book to read to pass the time!!

B is waiting at the hospital whilst I have my day surgery today (I like the idea that whilst I'm asleep someone I know is keeping an eye on things!!! (I'm a nurse ....so he will have his instructions on "important points to watch for" beforehand).

Re the blip
The question asked was "why does such a tiny little Raspberry Pi need two enormous books of instructions to make it work"

I didn't understand more than the first sentence of the response, until the word Ada was mentioned. Ada was the computer programming langue that brought us from Lincolnshire to Essex 25 years ago.

As one may gather, I know very little about computers, ditto cars!! They are there for the purpose of using. I don't want to know how it works, just that it will do the job I'm asking it to do, at that point in time!!

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