Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Fiery Exit

A fiery exit to this day made sense considering how blazing hot it was today. The temperature topped at 97 degrees today.

Because we've got construction happening in the backyard, letting the pooches out to wander and do their business was not easy, but several times I opened the slider door to the patio and the three of them and I ventured out to see what we could find. Each time they looked at the holes the workers had dug for the patio cover poles and they just stared into them while teetering on the edge. They are a bit confused by all that is happening in "their" yard.

Tomorrow, I think, the cement will be poured and the poles will be secured. So it will be another long day of keeping the pups inside. And . . .

. . . and my car is finally ready for pick-up in Laguna Beach with a rebuilt transmission in her belly. It was two weeks ago tomorrow that we left her with the Laguna mechanic.

Mr. Fun arrived home this evening with a rental car to drive us to Laguna to get her and I looked at him and looked at the clock and asked who he was kidding . . . there was no way we were going to get to Laguna to my car and then to the rental car place to drop off a car before they closed at 5:00 pm. I explained that I was not desiring a "white knuckle" ride to the coast and then reminded him that we had the rental car for 24 hours and that tomorrow morning would be so much better than this evening. He looked at me shocked, bewildered, crazed, and gave-in. So I out-smarted "Ricky Racer" and we went to a pleasant dinner and then home to enjoy the wonder of this warm, almost too warm, evening on our patio and in our pool as the sky filled with emotion.

While we were in the pool the dogs went crazy at one moment near one of the yard gates. Mr. Fun finally got out of the pool to see what all the commotion was about and a helium mylar balloon with "Congratulations Graduates" floated over the gate. These two people from "funville" are known for loving graduation, so the moment just evoked lots of laughter from us as the dogs tippy-toed around the balloon to get a good sniff!

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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