
Harry: What's that?
Elizabeth: It's a stick
Harry: Where'd it come from?
Elizabeth: Up there, above you in the sky.
Harry: How'd it get here?
Elizabeth: Them pesky parrots pecked it off that tree branch above us.
Harry: What does it do?
Elizabeth: Not much.
Harry: Can I eat it?
Elizabeth: You can try!
Harry: Can we play with it?
Elizabeth: I am seven.  I do not play with juveniles and sticks.
Harry: You played with me yesterday.
Elizabeth: You had the squishy ball that I like. 
Harry: I know where I hid it ... Shall we go and play with it again? 
Elizabeth: Oh, ok kiddo. It's too cold out here on the fire escape anyway.

"To survive, you must tell stories."  
- Umberto Eco (5th January 1932 - 19th February 2016)

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