
By Grimsayer

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That was me and not the gull.
It has been an unusually quiet winter here for arctic gulls so having been to Baleshare vaguely hoping to see one, I was surprised to come across this one about 200 metres from home. A young Glaucous Gull for those who don't know.
It was loafing on the sand by our little island causeway as well as following the neighbour when he was feeding the sheep. The image is not quite as sharp as it should be, it was horribly windy was my excuse.
I got caught by a squall on Baleshare. I was only about half a kilometre from the car when the squall came in. An awful inevitability as it approached tracking over the sea.Strong gusting NE wind full of hail. It was as if one's head had been put in a vice and was being squeezed - or at least what I imagine it would feel to have one's head put in a vice and squeezed as I have been luck enough to avoid that treatment so far in life.
Finally off to the shop to buy a paper - no ferries today so of course no paper. Grrrr.

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