'Happy Birthday Uncle Simon'

Lovely day (weather awful) .....but we all met in Arundel for Simons Birthday. Lovely lunch with lots of chat and hilarity. We just all love being together!

A very funny end to the day......we couldn't find anywhere to light the candles on the Chocolate Birthday cake....it was so wet and windy. In the end, my son-in-law climbed into the back of his car, closed the boot and lit the candles, while we all stood around the car singing 'Happy Birthday'. We quickly rescued Martin from the boot....then tried to eat squishy cake oozing cream and jam standing in the car park of a garden Centre! Very funny .....anyone watching would think we were crazy!

We then all kissed each other goodbye...they went West and we went East....Simon happy to see his four nephews who he adores.

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