
...the weather?
No, not an abstract just taken while looking out of a window on a very wet and windy morning.
Today is Ilkley Fell Race and yesterday My P went up on the Moor to flag out the course. I made him promise to wear gloves to protect his fingers, needn't have worried in this weather!
He was up early this morning to check they hadn't blown away but he must have done a good job because they were all in place. In fine weather visitors often pull them out or their children play with them and leave them all over the place. No chance of that in these conditions. So it actually made his job easier today though he did say when he got to the Cow and Calf rocks some sudden gusts nearly caused him to take off.
Off to see our final film this afternoon on the last day of the film festival: 45 Years.
Enjoy your Sunday, hope you are safe and warm

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