Stepping back in time...

Headed north west today, into Norfolk and Castle Acre...

"Castle Acre, a tranquil rural village in Norfolk, boasts an extraordinary wealth of history. It is a rare and complete survival of a Norman planned settlement, including a castle (extra 1), village (extra 2), parish church and one of the best-preserved monastic sites in England, Castle Acre Priory (main photo). All this was the work of a great Norman baronial family, the Warennes, mainly during the 11th and 12th centuries.

Castle Acre Castle was founded soon after the Battle of Hastings by the first William de Warenne, a close associate of William the Conqueror. It is a superb and well-preserved example of a motte-and-bailey castle, and remains one of the most impressive Norman earthworks in the country." English Heritage

On the way home, across the Fens, the wild swans were gathering in the fields... (extra 3)

(Sorry for my lack of comments, a quiet day planned for tomorrow so will catch up with you all then...)

FODMAP Day 21 Note to self: Soy Milk Hot Chocolate is drinkable, but not a touch on the real thing!!

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